Labour Productivity Convergence of Advanced European Countries Across the Industries
Labour productivity convergence among the Advanced European countries
is highly important to see the effect of economic integration across
them. Especially in 1980s, integration of relatively less developed countries
like Spain, Portugal and Greece can be expected in favour of them to catch
up these industrialized countries. Instead of looking at labour productivity in
the whole economy, we test this convergence among the Advanced European
countries for individual industries. We have provided an introduction to
classical economic growth and labour productivity convergence approaches
then an empirical study of sectoral labour productivity convergence among
the Advanced European countries showed that, in stead of observing the
economy as a whole, there is still convergence among the countries across
the individual sectors.
click here to download paper(labour_productivity_yurtsever.pdf)
Yukarida adi gecen calismada 14 gelismis avrupa ulkesinde ozellikle son 25 yil icerisinde saglanan ekonomik entegrasyon cabalari ile emek verimliliginde herhangi bir yakinsamanin olup olmadigi arastirilmistir. Uygulamali calisma gostermistir ki, ulkeler arasinda toplam sektorlerin emek verimliliginde bir yakinsama oldugu gibi sektorel bazda da kuvvetli bir yakinsama gozlemlenmistir. Bu durum neoklasik buyume modelinin sonuclari ile tutarli bir durum sergilemektedir.
Ilginizi ceker yada isinize yarayabilir umuduyla yaptigim calismayi buraya koyuyorum. Indirmek icin buraya tiklayin. (calisma ingilizcedir.)
Etiketler: akademik, ekonomik buyume
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